Dead Gone Book Cover

​​This project was to design a book cover for Pegasus Books Dead Gone by Luca Veste. Pegasus strives to reach readers nationwide who share its conviction that good literature is essential to the health of our cultural life. 
The genre is a horror thriller, therefore, it needs to be identified as such from the cover design.  The customer should understand how much the publishers care about the stories their readers are given and the experience that comes with “picking it up” compared to other brands. 

The main goal in creating the cover is to create a striking enough scene that the audience judges Dead Gone by the cover and is not disappointed when they start reading. The business objective is to bring new readers to the Dead Gone series.  The cover should depict important plot points, characters, or aspects to represent the series best and draw new readers in.  The customer should be immersed in the world of the novel they pick up, and they should feel the qualities of not only the story but also all the work put into the production of the book as quality, having developed characters, involved, reliable, and frightening. The illustrations are then overlayed on each other, flipped, and colored red and blue to create an urgent and overwhelming background and foreground for the cover.  The title is absorbed into the illustrations to create a sense of a trap.